Friday, December 21, 2012

Book of Faith - Luke 21:7-38 - The End Times

Since we are in the season of Advent, these passages seem appropriate for the season.  They speak of the end times.  As we discussed in our group, the language of the apocalypse tends to scare us, but that was not the real purpose when the passages were written.  The language was intended to encourage people of faith, who were facing difficult times in the world, that God had already secured the future and they need not fear.  In the end, God will have the final word.  In the end, God will be victorious.  Luke was writing his gospel after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  Everyone was trying to make sense of what was happening.  With the community of faith, they were facing their own persecution.  Luke, places on the lips of Jesus, words of hope that, whatever is happening in the world, we are not to be undone, but to look up and raise our heads for our redemption is near.  Our hope in God is what sustains us as individuals, as a community, as the church.  

That word of hope still resonates today.  We talked a great deal about the tragedy in Newtown, CT.  We can become undone by what took place.  We all were shattered by the loss of life, particularly  the 20 young  children.  In the aftermath, there are some people who have shut down and cannot face the reality of what happened.  There are some who are overwhelmed with anger and do not know where to take that anger.  There are some who overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness.  As a community of faith living in the promises of God, as Christians, we can face the reality of what happened in Newtown.  We understand that we live in a broken world where terrible can happen and the innocent can suffer.  We can face the truth, but we are not undone.  We believe in a loving and present God who is with us and holds us in our sorrow and pain.  We believe that God has the final word in all things no matter what happens in the world.  We believe in a God who sent His son to save this broken world.  We live in hope and not fear, and dedicate ourselves in serving others and making a difference in thus world.  We believe in the light and will not let the darkness overcome it.

Pastor Summer