Friday, February 14, 2014

Book of Faith - John 13 - The Certainty of Christ

The winter weather and Christmas celebrations have delayed a new entry, but we are now back in pocket.  Our goal is to finish John by Easter.  We have now arrived at the Last Supper.  The most intriguing aspect of John's telling of the events is that he does not include the Eucharist.  Instead, he tells of Jesus washing the disciples feet.  The group felt that this act, which was to be done by a slave, may have had a deeper impact than the supper on the disciples.  Jesus begins the meal as the host. The disciples look around to see who will serve as the servant to wash their feet (the expected practice at a meal).  Jesus takes them by surprise and strips down to become the servant.  No wonder Peter initially refused.  Jesus becomes a living parable of the servant leader that is to be a model for his disciples and the church.  The truth is that the church has been a greater witness to the Gospel when the church has been a servant leader rather than a political leader. 

The other point of conversation was around the image of Jesus.  In the gospel of John, Jesus is so certain.  He knows what's going to happen.  He knows how people will react.  He knows the timetable for every event.  He is never surprised. He never doubts.  He never struggles.  This Jesus seems very different from the Jesus of the other gospels.  In those gospels, Jesus seems more human, more approachable, and more like us.  We agreed that we need all four gospels to tell the story of Jesus.  We like the Jesus of the synoptic gospels, but we also appreciate the certainty of the Jesus in John.  There are time when we need that certainty.  When we make the declaration that Jesus loves us or Jesus forgives us or Jesus goes to prepare a place for us, we want the certainty.  We don't want any doubt or wiggle room.  The certainty of those declarations speak deeply and profoundly to us.  We want that certainty of Jesus.

As you can see, the conversation continues.  You can still join us.  We will be meeting next Wednesday at the CEB at noon or you can follow the blog.  We will be moving into chapter 14.

Pastor Summer