Friday, February 6, 2015

Book of Faith - The Fourth and Fifth Commandments

The conversations around the Ten Commandments continues with Luther's Large Catechism as our guide.  We have been studying the Fourth and Fifth Commandments.  What became very clear with Luther's interpretation of the Fourth Commandment, You shall honor your father and mother, is how important the family was for him in faith formation.  Mothers and fathers have a key role in the faith life of their children.  In Luther's words, "For if we wish to have excellent and apt persons both for civil and ecclesiastical government, we must spare no diligence, time, or cost in teaching and educating our children, that they may serve God and the world."  These words still have the ring of truth.

In the Fifth Commandment, You shall not kill, Luther takes the commandment and pushes the meaning even farther than Jesus.  Jesus spoke of breaking the commandment when we grow angry with another person.  We did not need to "kill" a person to do them injury.  Injury can take many forms.  Luther pushes the boundaries farther.  Luther argued that if we are in a position to help another person in need and do not do so, we have broken this commandment.  This understanding echoes the prophets of old and still speaks to our lives and time.  

Keep the conversation going!  We meet every Wednesday at noon at the Christian Education Building.

Pastor Summer