Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sabbath Time

In our crazy lives, time is one of our most precious commodities.  We complain that we do not have enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done.  We find that the demands of our schedule dictate our lives.  We spend our time juggling all of our commitments.  Time is the one thing everyone wants and time is the one thing we feel we can't afford to give. We find ourselves saying we would do many things if only we had the time.

As with everything else in our lives, God understands our dilemma.  The struggle with time is universal and has been with us from the beginning.  One of God's most gracious gift is the gift of Sabbath, a holy time set apart from the craziness of life.  A time for God.  A time for family.  A time to be still.  Back in the day, Sunday used to be that time.  Sunday is not sacred as it once was, but Sabbath should be.  God invites us to create Sabbath in our lives.  It doesn't have to be Sunday, but it needs to be for our emotional, mental, and physical health.  Sabbath is also needed for our spiritual health.  Mother Theresa was once asked how often she prayed.  She said she prayed for an hour every morning.  She was then asked how often she prayed when she was busy.  She answered that when live got crazy, she prayed two hours.  Her surprising answer comes with some much needed truth.  God calls us to set aside a time for Sabbath.  Sabbath was created for us.  May we restore that holy time to our lives.

Pastor Summer