Friday, April 22, 2016

Making Christ Known

As Christians, we celebrate the good news of Easter.  We sometimes proclaim the resurrection as though Jesus being raised from the dead is a simple observational fact, when it's not.  The early disciples were confronted with an empty tomb.  Only faith would lead them to see something more.  And faith would only happen with an encounter with the risen Lord. It wasn't only Thomas who had doubts.  It was true for Mary.  It was true for Peter.  Each had to encounter Jesus.  Thomas had to put his fingers in the marks of the nails for him to believe.  He is not alone.  His story is our story.  The question becomes how do we encounter the risen Lord?  How do we place our fingers in the marks of the nails?  This is where the gospel becomes even more amazing.  The risen Lord is made known through us, the people of God.  As we bear the marks of the nails, as we are disciples, we make Christ known.  God uses our witness to make faith happen in the lives of others.  I am grateful for every opportunity we have to serve others in the world,  Each opportunity is an occasion for grace.  Each opportunity is an occasion for faith to happen.