Saturday, September 2, 2017

We've got work to do

"We've got work to do."  Those were the final words Officer Steve Perez said to his family as he headed out into the storm, Hurricane Harvey in Houston.  His family didn't want him to go, but Officer Perez had been serving the city of Houston for over 30 years, and there were people in need.  He went out into the storm and tragically lost his life, but he wouldn't have had it any other way.  As I've prayed for Officer Perez's family, I've thought about his words and actions.  In a very real way, they reflect what Jesus said about discipleship.  You go out into the storm because there are people in need.  Jesus' words, "Deny yourself."  You go out into the storm even though it is dangerous.  Jesus words, "Take up your cross."  You go out into the storm because we have work to do.  Jesus' words, "Follow me."  Jesus always made it clear that discipleship was costly.  That cost can get lost in a world that wants things to be easy and risk free.  Even in the church, the cost can be lost because we don't want to lose the idea of grace.  Grace says we don't have to earn God's love.  There is nothing we have to do.  Grace is a gift.  All of this is true, but grace does not need to come at the expense of discipleship.  We need to hear the distinction.  We are disciples not in order to be loved, but because we are loved.  Jesus says to us "I love you, I have forgiven you, and you are mine, now and always.  That's a given.  Now take a look.  There's a storm out there, people are in need, and we've got work to do."  May we hear the call.  May we be disciples of Jesus.  We've got work to do.