Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In Defense of Gray

I want to take a stand for gray.  I am amazed at the number of people who want only black and white answers.  In a black and white world, to suggest that real answers are often nuanced, contextual, and complicated, is often to open the door to being called  wishy-washy or indecisive.  In my experience, this is true in the area of faith.  People want "Yes" or "No" answers.  There can be no gray area.  While I appreciate clarity and clear choices, I believe that life is more complicated and that God's grace appreciates and often works in the gray.  In the Bible, a woman is caught in the act of adultery and Jesus is approached by the no gray crowd about what the response should be.  The law at the time was clear and was seen in black and white terms.  She had been caught, she was guilty, and she was to be stoned for her crime.  However, Jesus did not live in a black and white world.  He understood that God's grace works in the gray.  And so, Jesus tells the people who are gathered with rocks in their hands that whoever is without sin may cast the first stone.  One by one, the people leave and Jesus is left with the woman.  He asks her, "Is there no one left to condemn you?"  And she says, "No."  Then Jesus says, "Neither do I, go and sin no more."  Jesus' words for that woman are an occasion of grace.  Jesus is willing to stand in the gray.  In fact, he chooses to stand in the gray and he is neither wishy-washy or indecisive.  He speaks the truth.  He speaks God's grace.  For myself, I'm going to stand with Jesus.