Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Orleans - Day 9

Pastor's Portion: I'm sitting in the New Orleans airport waiting for the flight to Houston and then home. Yesterday was bittersweet. It was a great day, but also our last day. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Gathering, but especially sharing that time with our young people. On Saturday, we practiced Peace and spent time in the interaction center. Our troops dominated the volleyball court. From the center, we explored New Orleans, went down Bourbon St., ate authentic New Orleans food in the French District, explored Jackson Square, enjoyed street performers, strolled along the Mississippi, and visited the stores on Canal Street. In the evening, we made every effort to hit the floor at the Super Dome, but had to settle for the first tier. The gold bands got to enter a half hour early, so there was no room in the inn. The closing was filled with energy, a compelling speaker, and great music. Tina will fill you in on the details. When we got back to the hotel, we had our closing time together. This is something we did every night. I asked three questions. What did they take away from the day? What did they take away from the whole experience? What covenant did they intend to make as we return to New Jersey? I was deeply impacted by their responses, but I will let them share their answers when we return. I'm going to guess that you will notice a difference in them and in the life of the church. The whole group is deeply grateful to the congregation for helping to make this experience possible. I am excited to share my own stories when I return. I am sure I have material for more than a few sermons. Tina's Turn: As I write this, I sit in the New Orleans airport, ready to head home. I can't believe it's already time to leave! Yesterday was an amazing day. The morning's theme was Peacemaking, which brought us to the Convention Center. Most of the group got t-shirts from the store (Lutheran Swag!). Char, Emma, Katie, Sue, and Tom went on the giant swing. After we were done with the center, we made our way to Bourbon Street, which was--to say the least--interesting. We passed Jackson Square, where we stopped for a few minutes to watch a dance show on the street. Then, we went through Canal Street, where we shopped for souvenirs. Most of us got a chance to try NOLA favorites, like beignets and pralines. Next, we headed to the Superdome for our last event. The main speaker was a friend of Pastor Lee (the pastor of Living Waters). She spoke about all of the struggles she has experienced and how she has overcome them. At the end, Swithfoot, a mainstream Christian band performed several songs. Everyone was really excited! It's hard to believe we're already on our way home, and that the gathering is over. I think it's reenergized all of about our faith; all I hope is that we can bring at energy back home with us. This may be the end of my blog, but I am sure it's not the last that you'll hear about our trip! Peace, Tina and Pastor

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