Friday, September 6, 2013

Germany - Day 5

Today was another travel day as we made our way from Erfurt to Wittenberg.  Before we left, we enjoyed a lovely evening in one of the squares in Erfurt.  As we sat at tables surrounding the square and enjoyed beverages (I enjoyed my Coke), we listened to jazz and were entertained by two fire jugglers.  The evening was warm and wonderful.

On the way to Wittenberg, we visited Weimar, the home of German culture.  The two central figures being Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe and Friedrich Shiller.  The two became great friends.  In many ways, Goethe was a Renaissance man, with an interest in poetry, art, philosophy, and science.  Shiller shared similar passions.  He is best know for his play, William Tell.  While in Weimar, we toured the old town, visited Schiller's house, and explored Goethe's Garden House.  We were very taken with the city and enjoyed walking the streets and exploring the parks with the free time we had.  I especially enjoyed the picnic by the river near Goethe's Garden House.  The weather could not have been better.

The trip to Wittenberg was uneventful, though longer than we intended.  Even on the autobahn they have traffic and construction.  We felt like we were back in New Jersey.  John, our guide, took the time to explain the 30 Year War.  This is not an easy task, but John did well.  We only lost a few to sleep on the trip after all the morning walking.

We have now arrived in Wittenberg and are staying at a smaller family hotel.  Dinner will be served in another 15 minutes, but I wanted to post today's blog.  The adventure continues and we are enjoying ever minute of it.

Peace, Pastor Summer

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