Monday, September 2, 2013

Germany - Day 1

If you believe it, I'm sitting in a Starbucks in Heidelberg, Germany.  They had free wifi.  And so the blogging of our adventure in Germany begins.  The flight was a little under 7 hours.  It's amazing that you can go sleep in New Jersey and wake up in Germany.  Although, I didn't get much sleep.  I was too excited.  Our first stop was Worms where the Diet of Worms was held challenging Luther and his faith.  Emperor Charles V presided.  The cathedral was amazing going all the way back the the 1100's.  There are elements that span the centuries.  I loved the set of drums sitting I. One of the chapels.

From Worms, we traveled to Heidelberg, where we are spending the next two night. Old Heidelberg is beautiful.  The city sits next to the Neckar River belows the ruins of the Heidelberg Castle.  The streets narrow and cobbled stoned.  You can feel the history.  We went to a local restaurant just off the town square.  The food was delicious and very German.  We had sausages, sauerkraut, red cabbage, and, for some, beer.  In the afternoon, a group of us went on the Philosopher's Walk, which was a trail that went up the mountain on the other side of the river and gave a beautiful view of the city and the castle.  It is said that the philosophers from the University of Heidelberg use to walk that trail with their students.  I can see why.  Tomorrow, having fully recovered from the flight, we will have a fuller day of sightseeing.  I'm looking forward to the next adventure.

Pastor Summer


Judy said...

You will love the castle itself along with the views from the top! Enjoy...we are all thinking of you. Judy

Kaitlin said...

I'm checking in every day! Thanks for keeping us posted on your adventures!