Saturday, August 20, 2011

Orlando - Day 6

This is my final blog from Orlando.  Actually, it from my desk at home on Saturday morning.  With the thunder storms last night, my flight did not come into Newark until 10:00.  We were delayed 4 hours and took the scenic route from Orlando by way of Boston and Albany.  Though delayed, I was very grateful for a safe trip.

The final morning was a whirlwind of activity.  Besides getting ready to come home, there was still work to be done in the plenary session.  Everything was accomplished in good order and the session was closed with only a 15 minute addition.  We left the hall with many hugs and goodbyes and headed for the closing worship.

For one last time, we gathered around word and sacrament.  Of all the services, this is the one that moved me the most.  The sermon was exceptionally powerful.  Among the many story shared, the pastor told of being in Haiti when the earthquake hit.  Her husband was one of those buried in the rubble.  He sang hymns as they tried to get to him, but they were unsuccessful.  She spoke of the days that followed filled with the deepest sorrow, but also amazing grace.  She spoke of witnessing the presence and power of God in the lives and faith of her Haitian brothers and sisters.  In truth, she spoke the Gospel, death and resurrection.  There are moments in these assemblies that take your breath away and renew your faith.  This was one of those moments for me.

I return home weary, but deeply grateful.  Grateful for the opportunity to attend the assembly.  Grateful for the church, of which you and I are apart.  And grateful, for the congregation I serve with my partner in ministry.  It was a great week.

Pastor Summer

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